Thanks for your generous donation
We are currently fundraising to produce films on issues dealing with domestic violence, human trafficking, homeless veterans, missing children and bullying.
Our Campaign and fundraising drives may change... The cities we produce our films may change... But our mission will always stay consistent. That's producing awareness films on socially issues that effect the inner city communities in our country and giving inner city kids a platform to voice and express their inner feelings through visual arts.
Darrell Smith Studios Productions Inc is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that produces films, using inner city youths... Bringing visual awareness to social issues effecting poverty stricken communities across our country.
Teaching children and young adults how to produce Films...
: Screenplay writing
: Directing
: Editing
: lighting
: line producer
: Shooting schedule
: Bugeting
We are also looking to raise funds to produce the films we have in pre production, that tackle issues dealing with domestic violence, human trafficking, homeless veterans and missing children. With your help we can produce these powerful films that effect the world! Please Donate!!
Help me get the young adults in our inner cities to start shooting each other with a camera... instead of a gun!!!
This is a nonprofit corporation and is not organized for profit gain of any person.
The corporation is organized under the nonprofit corporation law for charitable and educational purposes.
The programs will consist of but shall not be limited to:
Movie distribution;
Speaking events;
Performing Arts/ movie and theater;
After school programs for youth at high risk;
Job training and Job replacement;
Although Tysha has traveled halfway around the world to places like Egypt, England, Spain, Bahamas and Germany she remembers her roots run deep in Virginia & the DMV area.
Really deep.. as a confirmed descendant of the Hemings & Jefferson lineage. Her travels as a military child expand across the US, from NYC to Alaska.
Her first experience of service as a
Red Cross Volunteer, where she served as a volunteer medical assistant for the active duty military in Germany. Believing that to serve is to lead.
Not so new to the stage or camera,
8 year old Tysha received her early performance experience in a school play called The Nutcracker. Dancing as a sugar plum fairy sparked a wild imagination to sing, dance and perform before audiences.
Church/School choir, talent shows & beauty pageants are part of her background. As a runway & print
model, she modeled for the Unmasked Domestic Violence Awareness Fashion Show. As a vocalist with the 90’s EMI hip hop group Boogiemonsters she began her mainstream work. The album appeared on Billboard and continues to receive airplay in Europe. Re released through
Berlin-based HHV Records.
Tysha attended & graduated from
Fulda American High School in West Germany. She also attended University of Maryland Europe Division, Kingsborough Community College,Brooklyn, City College of Chicago.
Tysha began her acting career with a TV commercial airing on OWN, Lifetime & Bravo. From that experience, she realized a passion for acting.
Her first film appearance was in a film she executive produced, Destiny.
Thereafter, the domestic violence film, 17 days for Terry D Films. She executive produced alongside her husband Darrell Smith.
Back to outreach & community initiatives, Tysha and her parents are currently building a community center and agricultural initiative in Va. The community will be able to receive educational & farming opportunities on the 11.5 acre site.
Keep a look out for Tysha having other roles in the near future.
She plans to write & direct for upcoming projects.
Chaplain Darrell Smith, is an independent filmmaker, who is also the founder of the film studio Terry D. Films Productions Inc.. He was born in Brooklyn, New York, in a very rough neighborhood in Bedford Stuyvesant, notoriously nick named "Do or Die Bed Stuy"... Darrell has spent the past 15 years producing powerful films on social awareness issues. His critically acclaimed anti bully film "Big Boys Dont Cry" that he produced with his 5 sons, daughter, and grandson is his most valued film because he worked with his family, casting them in leading and supporting roles. They also worked behind the camera with lightning, sound and camera work. Darrell attributes his teaching his sons, on the set of "Big Boys Dont Cry" as part of the reason why his sons, later produced their own movie called "Color Me White " a story about a mother favoring her lighter skinned child over her darker skinned child. The film appeared on Amazon Prime.
Darrell also produced "Welcome To My World" a powerful film dealing with a young inner city teen being infected by HIV intentionally. His film "A Deeper Love " A christian love story, was an official selection at the 2008 American Black Film Festival. It's about a girl who has to choose between the love she has for her boyfriend of 3 years and her newly found love in Jesus Christ. Darrell also directed a short film called "Destiny" which was executive produced by his beautiful wife Tysha Pollard. Darrell Smith's films has been in movie theaters, Redbox, Walmart, Amazon Prime, Watch Free Flix etc. On March 24th of 2021 Darrell Smith was ordained as a Chaplain. He's also a life coach, substance abuse counselor, leadership Coach, Training Coach, and Personal Development Coach. When asked why he started his nonprofit Darrell Smith Studios Productions Inc he said "It was two reasons... First I realized what an impact and inspiration it was to my sons having them help me produce the film Big Boys Dont Cry... And two... I got revelation that films can inspire impact and change people... And people... Can inspire impact and change the world."
Darrell Smith Studios Productions Inc
Future Plans.
: Purchase a Studio for filmmaking classes teaching children and young adults...
.Commercial and film acting
. Editing trailers
. Director of Photography
. Production Manager
. Assistant Director
. Production assistant
World champion Keith Mullings "Brooklyn Assassin" gave his valuable time to help us shoot a film dealing with a homeless veteran and human trafficking. Unfortunately before we could finish shooting... Keith Mullings at the age of 53 years old... passed away. REST IN PEACE KEITH... We will finish this film in your name.
Keith Mullings a.k.a
"Brooklyn Assassin"
January 8 1968-May 29, 2021
Final Thoughts
With your generous donation Darrell Smith Studios Productions Inc. can and will accomplish our mission. Even if its but one inner city youth at a time.
Thank You.
Help me bring awareness to our homeless vets and human trafficking at the same time. In this film "Milk Bum" We show 2 major problems in our society In 1 film. Please Help us finish this project. Donate Now!!!!!
DSS Productions Inc congrats on being members of the Chamber Of Commerce
DSS Productions giving back to community on Defeat Poverty Day
DSS Productions giving back to community
Tysha Pollard Smith President of DSS Productions finds time to help people in need by giving them Guess pants. Thanks to our Partnership with Good360.
Tysha Pollard Smith President of DSS Productions delivers clothes and shoes to Finders Keepers Onslow Womens Center in Jacksonville NC for domestic violence victims. Thanks to our Partnership with Good360.
DSS Productions delivers clothes and shoes to Finders Keepers Onslow Womens Center and giving back to the community on defeat poverty day for domestic violence victims. Thanks to our Partnership with Good360.
DSS Productions delivers clothes and shoes to Finders Keepers Onslow Womens Center and giving back to the community on defeat poverty day for domestic violence victims. Thanks to our Partnership with Good360.
"Helping people in the community feels good" said Tysha Pollard Smith President of DSS Productions Inc. Thanks Good360!!
DSS Productions Inc & Good360 helping women of domestic violence at Finders Keepers Onslow Womens Center in Jacksonville NC
GOOD360 & DSS PRODUCTIONS makes a difference in the community. #GODMADE!
Giving back to the community and people in need love the Guess pants. That's blessed.
DSS PRODUCTIONS is blessed to be endorsed by GOOD360
DSS PRODUCTIONS is blessed to be endorsed by GOOD360
DSS PRODUCTIONS is blessed to to be in the mall and ran across a brother and his 2 sisters that was homeless. They were happy to receive the #GODMADE shirts courtesy of DSS Productions and the Guess pants courtesy of GOOD360
DSS PRODUCTIONS is blessed to to be in partnership with Good360 to continue helping people at the Onslow Women's Center and abroad. Thank you Good360!
DSS Productions Defeat Poverty Day 2024.
DSS Productions & Good 360 Defeat Poverty Day 2023
Powerful story that takes you not only in the life of the person being bullied. But also the bully so we can see why he bullies people. I produced this film with my 5 sons, grandson and daughter. It was an incredible experience seeing young adults express their vision through film.
"Sometimes Youth's cry out in silence"
Welcome To My World is a powerful story about... Eve Byars 26 year old law student just about to take the bar exam, when she meets a guy she thinks is her soulmate named Damien that changes her life forever... I used all new actors in this film including an HIV victim that acted as a consultant. " Not every present is a gift"
17 Days is a powerful film dealing with the issues of domestic violence. Brianna Murphy meets a handsome Damian Williams, falls in love gets engaged just to find out his true colors. 17 Days is a powerful film that will touch your heart and chizzle your soul.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission...
Remember films can inspire, impact and change people... And people can be inspired... to impact and change the world!
All Donations are tax-deductible
1099 Gum Branch Rd. Jacksonville North Carolina 28540 United States
1 (800) 684-2035 ds@dssproductions.org CASH APP $DSSIN make checks payable to DSS Productions Inc
All donations are tax-deductible EIN#86-1407904
Executive Office 1099 Gum Branch Rd. Jacksonville NC, 28540
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